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Meet My Inspiration
I know many people are inspired by fellow artists, but my inspiration was by someone far greater than those I admire in this industry. For as long as I can remember, my Nana was a painter. Her home always had paintings up that she had done herself, and she had such a humble passion for it.
Not only was my Nana an inspiration to me artistically, but she had a zest for life that I can only hope and pray to have in my later years. Whether it was going out dancing or playing softball, she never seemed to slow down, and I will forever admire that part of her.
When we found out that we would soon be needing to tell her goodbye, I knew it would be difficult, but I feel it was such a blessing to have that opportunity. When we went to see her, I was able to show her some of my work and tell her how much she has inspired me. I thank God for giving me that opportunity to tell her that her love for painting was passed down to me. Even in her last few days, she was wishing she would be able to get her paints out and do one more painting. Although I don't believe I will ever aspire to her level, I will forever feel connected with her each time I paint.
One of my earliest memories of her artwork was of the ocean in the moonlight which hung in her home when I was a child. I quickly went to work to recreate her piece as best I could to give to her before it was her time; sadly she was never able to see it, so my mother will have it for her memory.
I share this not only to memorialize an absolutely incredible woman in my life, but also to share her last words to us: "Live a full life". I can only hope and pray to live up to my promise to her to do so, and I will continue to live life fully through my artwork to share not only my passion and love, but my Nana's as well.

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